Alvarion Parts - Computer Hardware Components List

ASAP Axis is owned and operated by ASAP Semiconductor, an industry leading Alvarion parts distributor and supply chain manager that is FAA AC 0056B accredited and AS9120B, ISO 9001:2015 certified. We have an extensive inventory of over six billion items such as PIGTAIL SSMARA-NF6IN, 858506, ALV-CB1129 -08, ALV-DS11CARD -08, INNOWAVE EFAU-2E 2.4 from Alvarion that are all sourced from top manufacturers. Whether you are searching for IT hardware components or obsolete parts, our dedicated team can help you find what you need and we have a dedicated account manager on hand to aid you in the purchasing process. All of our Alvarion parts undergo rigorous quality assurance testing and are cross referenced and inspected before they are shipped out to ensure that all of our customers get top quality products. We are a proud member of the ASA and serve the aerospace and defense industries. If you are ready for a competitive quote, please submit an Instant RFQ today.

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Part No Description Part Type QTY RFQ
PIGTAIL SSMARA-NF6IN p>pigtail shrouded sma-male right angle to n-female connector 19 NA Avl RFQ
858506 NA NA Avl RFQ
ALV-CB1129 -08 NA NA Avl RFQ
ALV-DS11CARD -08 alvarion breezecom pc-ds.11 pc card 11mb etsi low power part #:8 NA Avl RFQ
INNOWAVE EFAU-2E 2.4 innowave efau-2e 2.4 ghz wireless 86500924012 (new-overstock) NA Avl RFQ
ALV-SURAHP24 -08 alvarion breezeaccess ii su-ra-hp-2.4 802.11 2.4ghz fhss outdoor NA Avl RFQ
ALV-52-54-LNK-KIT p>alvarion 5.2ghz 54mbps link kit includes: au-d-sa-5.2-vl su-a- NA Avl RFQ
ALV-SUNI8D1V35A1 -08 alvarion breezeaccess xl su-ni-8d1v-3.5a1 3.5 ghz subscriber uni NA Avl RFQ
ANDREW BCAH180 p>andrew bcah180-273bv-dw an1292 high gain sector ant 180 degree NA Avl RFQ
ALV-BSRFU35B -08 breezenet bs-rfu-3.5 band b pn: 300042 NA Avl RFQ
ALV-DS5800BU -08 p>breezecom alvarion ds.5800 bu outdoor unit (with pn: 811684 or NA Avl RFQ
ALV-SUNI8D36A -08 alvarion breezeaccess xl su-ni-8d-3.6a 3.6 ghz subscriber unit 8 NA Avl RFQ
100030 walkair bs-bu 3.5 ghz 220v control assembly pu Avl RFQ
ALV-700203 p>alvarion breezeaccess bmax-4m-piu pn:700203 (new overstock)/p> NA Avl RFQ
ALV-ANCC156A -08 m/a-com ancc-156a-s-40-nm 2.4-2.5 ghz 7dbi omni antenna one mete NA Avl RFQ
ALV-AN1333 -08 p>cushcraft proshape wimax 3.65 3.3-3.8ghz 13dbi 120 degree vert NA Avl RFQ
85817 alvarion breezeaccess vl 5.8ghz antenna an1353 5.15-5.875ghz a bearings Avl RFQ
736144ELR bmax-cpe-odu-pro sa-dm-3.6 NA Avl RFQ
ALV-SUA4954BDVL -08 alvarion breezeaccess su-a-4.9-54-bd-vl 4.9 ghz outdoor unit pn: NA Avl RFQ
ALV-735106-08 alvarion cpe-idu-4d1w networking gateway combines router 4-port NA Avl RFQ
854500 NA capacitor fixed met Avl RFQ
ALV-LNA10 -08 breezenet lna-10 low noise amp pn: 872219 an1009 - conifer low n NA Avl RFQ
ALV-735155EU-08 alvarion bmax-dm-cpe-si-e-3.5 eu pn: 735155eu breezemax wimax 3. NA Avl RFQ
CB1598 3 day lead time NA Avl RFQ
ALV-AN1319 -08 alvarion an1319 3.6-3.8ghz 10dbi omni antenna ala05-121190 (new NA Avl RFQ
261-471014R ng+vg NA Avl RFQ
ALV-858714 -08 p>alvarion wi2-extender-cable 30 meter outdoor cable to connect NA Avl RFQ
ALV-BSAU900 -08 breezeaccess alvarion bs-au-900 indoor base station module 900mh NA Avl RFQ
ALV-811592 -08 breezenet alvarion ds.11d-bu outdoor base unit with dual externa NA Avl RFQ
849516 NA NA Avl RFQ
ALV-SUA1D57 -08 p>alvarion su-a-1d-5.7 5.7ghz part #: 857200 outdoor and indoor NA Avl RFQ
EUM3004 waverider eum 3004's NA Avl RFQ
AS0744 single slot ethernet port NA Avl RFQ
811597 ds11-bu/outdoor-fcc base unit NA Avl RFQ
725254 used spring flat Avl RFQ
735201NT NA NA Avl RFQ
ALV-PS1082 -08 alvarion ps1082 extended temperature universal ac power supply u NA Avl RFQ
ALV-AN1393 -08 alvarion wimax an1393 2.3-2.7 ghz 16dbi 65 degree sector dual sl NA Avl RFQ
ALV-MACJ8014 -08 p>mars ma-cj80-14 gsm dual band antenna gsm-900 gsm-1900 complet NA Avl RFQ
ANDREW BCAH090B andrew dragonwave bcah090b-273bv-dw high gain sector ant 180 deg NA Avl RFQ
ALV-SUEBD1V35A1 -08 p>alvarion breezeaccess xl su-e-bd1v-3.5a1 3.5ghz fhss outdoor a NA Avl RFQ
ALV-AS0181 -08 NA NA Avl RFQ
ALV-BSAU4900 -08 alvarion bs-au-vl/4900 4.9 indoor base station module (module on NA Avl RFQ
ALV-110020 -08 alvarion ts-rfu-3.5 ghz band c vertical pn: 110020 (new overstoc NA Avl RFQ
ALV-AUREMMDS -08 breezeaccess alvarion au-re-mmds part #: 825007 outdoor access u NA Avl RFQ
849513 NA NA Avl RFQ
ALV-AUNIHP24-U alvarion breezeaccess ii au-ni-hp-2.4 indoor access unit high-po NA Avl RFQ
ALV-SUABDOF35B -08 p>alvarion breezeaccess su-a-bd-of-3.5b ofdm indoor and outdoor NA Avl RFQ
700231EU 4m-cpe-idu-pro-4d2v-wifi NA Avl RFQ
ALV-MSD343660 -08 breezecom antenna msd3436-60-stud 60 degree 3.5 ghz 3.4-3.7ghz a NA Avl RFQ
ALV-AUDBS4900-C -08 alvarion au-d-bs-4900-vl 4.9 ghz outdoor access radio unit rev. NA Avl RFQ
ALV-BSAUWA -08 alvarion bs-au-wa indoor base station module pc1182 wa-ba conver NA Avl RFQ
ALV-AN1409 -08 alvarion 2.3-2.7 ghz 65 degree 17dbi x.pol ds sector antenna an1 NA Avl RFQ
ALV-BSAUVL 08 p>alvarion bs-au-vl indoor base station module p/n: 858161 pc129 NA Avl RFQ
ALV-AURE35B -08 breezeaccess xl alvarion au-re-3.5b outdoor access unit with ext NA Avl RFQ
ALV-BSAUHP24 -08 p>breezeaccess ii alvarion bs-au-hp 2.4 indoor base station modu NA Avl RFQ
735122 bmax-cpe-odu-pro-l-sa-3.5 NA Avl RFQ
ALV-300621 -08 alvarion base station 8 dbi 2.4 - 2.5 ghz omni antenna pn: 30062 NA Avl RFQ
ALV-AN0028 -08 p>marksman ind ltd an0028 rubber duck antenna omni ver 2.4-2.7 g NA Avl RFQ
ALV-SUIDBDVER1 -08 alvarion breezeaccess version 1 su-i-d-bd-2.4 ver-1 bridge unit NA Avl RFQ
ALV-AN1227 -08 base antenna 3.5 ghz 90 degree horizontal msd3437-90h-stud 3.4-3 NA Avl RFQ
SU-A-1D-HP-2.4 alvarion outdoor integral antenna NA Avl RFQ
ALV-858705 -08 alvarion wi2 mounting kit extended wall/pole mounting kit - 3 me NA Avl RFQ
BREEZECOM DS11RB-ODA p>breezenet alvarion ds.11-rb remote bridge etsi with integrated NA Avl RFQ
ALV-725100UK -08 alvarion breezemax si indoor 2.5ghz cpe bmax-cpe-si-e-2.5 pn:725 NA Avl RFQ
ALV-AN0029 -08 p>marksman ind ltd an0029 antenna omni ver 3.3-4.0 ghz 2dbi 3w m NA Avl RFQ
4M-CPE-SI-4D2V-WIFI alvarion 4m-cpe-si-4d2v-wifi-3.5-omni- p/n: 735921 4m-cpe-si-4d2 NA Avl RFQ
ALV-BMAXBSTAU33 -08 alvarion breezeaccess bmax-bst-au-odu-3.3g outdoor unit pn:73321 NA Avl RFQ
ALV-SUA49BDVL -08 alvarion breezeaccess su-a-4.9-bd-vl 4.9 ghz outdoor unit pn: 85 NA Avl RFQ
ALV-SUNI1DHP24-U p>alvarion breezeaccess ii su-ni-1d-hp-2.4 indoor 2.4ghz subscri NA Avl RFQ
4M-CPE-ODU-PRO-2.5 alvarion 4m-cpe-odu-pro-2.5 wimax 2.5 ghz outdoor radio antenna NA Avl RFQ
700204NT NA NA Avl RFQ
ALV-BSPSDC -08 p>alvarion bs-ps dc power supply for bs-sh for 19 rack unit pn: NA Avl RFQ
400421 ts-bu 3.5/10.5ghz 220v valve adapter plate Avl RFQ
ALV-SUNIBD35A -08 alvarion breezeaccess xl su-ni-bd-3.5a subscriber unit 3.5ghz (n NA Avl RFQ
BMAX-CPE-ODU-AV-3.5 alvarion breezeaccess bmax-cpe-odu-av-3.5 outdoor unit pn:735110 NA Avl RFQ
858106 alvarion lb-ni-01 linkblaster NA Avl RFQ
ALV-BMAXODUSA36A -08 alvarion breezeaccess bmax-cpe-odu-pro-sa-3.6 outdoor unit pn:73 NA Avl RFQ
ALV-PS1067 -08 NA NA Avl RFQ
ALV-SUCBD35AB -08 alvarion breezeaccess ii su-c-bd-3.5ab indoor subscriber unit pn NA Avl RFQ
CUSH-S3407 p>cushcraft s3407 3.4 - 3.6 ghz 7.5dbi wall mount panel antenna NA Avl RFQ
ALV-AN1324 -08 p>alvarion 10.5-10.65 ghz 16dbi 90 degree sector antenna vertica NA Avl RFQ
853277 NA NA Avl RFQ
NERA WALKAIR 3000 IF used, 26ghz 500001 NA Avl RFQ
ALV-SUA58CX-A-U alvarion su-a-5.8-cx 5.8ghz cell extender radio unit hardware re NA Avl RFQ

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